Exploring the Mendix Client API for Testing“/></a></div><div class=

Exploring the Mendix Client API for Testing

In this article, I will share my learning process for incorporating Client API calls into an automation framework for the purpose of testing.
Business Excellence in Low-code“/></a></div><div class=

Business Excellence in Low-code

Our commitment focuses on developing future-ready applications of the right quality, supported by the right processes in the low-code sector. This blog describes the choices leading to this our commitment and our focus.
Professional empowerment at Anamata“/></a></div><div class=

Professional empowerment at Anamata

Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, a timeless storytelling template, can be a powerful tool to empower employees and map out their ambitions. This blog explains how Anamata uses the Hero’s Journey.
When automation overshadows the importance of testing“/></a></div><div class=

When automation overshadows the importance of testing

Testing plays a crucial role in software development and many testing vendors are promoting testautomation. However, companies should not let automation overshadow the importance of testing.