Exploring the Mendix Client API for Testing
In this article, I will share my learning process for incorporating Client API calls into an automation framework for the purpose of testing.
In this article, I will share my learning process for incorporating Client API calls into an automation framework for the purpose of testing.
Our commitment focuses on developing future-ready applications of the right quality, supported by the right processes in the low-code sector. This blog describes the choices leading to this our commitment and our focus.
Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, a timeless storytelling template, can be a powerful tool to empower employees and map out their ambitions. This blog explains how Anamata uses the Hero’s Journey.
Testing plays a crucial role in software development and many testing vendors are promoting testautomation. However, companies should not let automation overshadow the importance of testing.
Until now, we used ‘Developing the future. Today’. We were not completely satisfied with this tagline. It did not sound unique (even Pegasystems now has a tagline ‘Transform for tomorrow’...... you’re welcome Pega) and it was too imperative for us. We wanted a tagline that stood up for our beliefs, showed confidence, was sincere ánd original.
As per 2022, I can proudly say that I became part of Anamata and I wanted to write a blog to tell a bit about myself and why I joined Anamata as a Mendix Consultant.
It has been six months since Anamata started. In this blog, I share my thoughts around these amazing departure.
This blog describes the Anamata values. What we find important, how we grow our culture. Basically, we do not use values. We have a sentence.
I’m proud to announce that as per today, May 1st, I will start a new adventure. I’m starting a new company, Anamata. Anamata embraces the Next-Gen Pega expert.
I am Anamata. I am a traveller and a Next-generation Pega expert.