There are many ways to explore new things. For us, the founding team of Anamata, the most satisfactory way is to travel. To see how other people live and how beautiful nature can be, is really humbling. It is easy to have your status quo at home, but as soon as you’re in a new place, this changes. You want to try new things to push your own boundaries. Purely because you are in a new place. You automatically become a naturally curious being.
We get so caught up in our daily routines that we forget that there is so much more to explore and achieve. Traveling reminds us that we can be somewhere else tomorrow. You just have to see it.
The experiences and insights we gained during our travels, helped us in becoming the professionals we are today. Throughout our career we have set goals, destinations. We planned paths, journeys, to achieve these destinations.
Our experience taught us that these destinations change continuously. And, instead of feeling discomfort in not achieving our goals, we embrace change and focus on the journeys. We learned that exploring and adapting change are great skills to have, as a person and as a company.

When we founded our company, we wanted these travel values and experiences to resonate with the company.
During our travels through New Zealand, the Māori culture impressed us. Their values regarding respect, hospitality, importance of (extended) family, care for nature, is very impressive. That is why, during our brainstorm session for our company name, we decided to look for a name that had a connection with the Māori.

That’s where we found the name Anamata. Anamata is the Māori word for “Visions of the future”. It resembles our love for travel, our curiosity and respect.
Anamata’s core values
After we had decided on our company name, we started thinking about the company culture. We strongly believe that you cannot build a culture. A culture is something that grows and changes over time. Most companies define values that represent the company culture. For Anamata, defining values at the start of our journey would limit the creativity and flexibility in the growing culture within our company. We wanted to define the ‘Anamata values’ in such a way that it was adaptable to change without losing the initial intention. Additionally, we wanted our core values to be easy to remember. And finally, we wanted to incorporate the same beliefs as the ones that reflected our company name.
During one of our brainstorm sessions, we decided to define a sentence. A sentence that captures our values and beliefs, but is open to new views.
So, at Anamata, we have to core values: Today, together towards tomorrow.
Today, together towards tomorrow”
What does it mean for us? It has different meanings. In the following paragraphs we will define what we currently want to achieve with our core sentence. However, we might change these interpretations in the future, because we simply don’t know what the tomorrow brings.
Serious fun
First of all, the introduction to our core sentence includes a small joke. As Anamata, we are professionals. We are serious in what we do. But having fun is equally important. We capture this as ‘Serious fun’: be serious in what you do, but do not forget to have fun. We celebrate every success and our successful failures. And have a joke on the side.

As mentioned above, we embrace change. As an Anamateer, we are aware of the latest technologies and curious about new technologies. Not only as an Anamateer, but also in applications we deliver, being fit for today goes hand in hand with being able to adapt to future changes.
We intentionally call it ‘future-ready’ and not ‘future-proof’. To us, future-proof means that you are already aware what the future brings. However, this is highly unlikely for any situation. We want to be ready for the future, without knowing exactly what that that future will bring.

Travel, wander, wonder and learn
Traveling brings so much inspiration. A journey can have a fixed destination, but it is also inspiring to wander and experience what happens next. New surroundings make us curious and wonder. This encourages us to ask questions and learn from these experiences.
These same thoughts can be applied to our professional life. Every project is a journey, whether it is a personal, customer or an innovation project. These journeys can have a fixed goal, but very often the goal changes or is unclear. However, we are always eager to learn and be inspired by these journeys. We achieve our goals while we learn from our successes and our mistakes.

Sometimes we like to travel alone. That is ok. But whenever we feel comfortable, we love to travel together and share new experiences.
At Anamata, we pursue an environment where everybody feels appreciated and comfortable and is willing to share their thoughts, experiences and concerns.

Enjoy the journey as much as the destination
People tend to forget to appreciate their current situation. They are always in pursuit of something more, pushing happiness to the future. We want to celebrate today as much as we chase tomorrow. We are ambitious, but we should never forget to live the moment and spend time with family and friends. While it is crucial to keep learning and develop professionally, it is equally important to develop personally and maintain a good mental and physical health.

We care about the environment. We want to create a better future. And that starts today. We are thinking about ways how we can contribute to sustainability. One example we are currently looking into is the Anamata forest: for every success we achieve, we will plant a tree. So today we have a tree, tomorrow it will be a forest.

Grow a culture
As mentioned above, you cannot build a culture. A culture is something that grows and changes over time. We have no doubt that every new Anamateer generates a (small) culture change and has his or her own interpretation of the core sentence. We are always on a journey. And that is a good thing, because that is exactly what we mean with our core sentence.
Today, together towards tomorrow.
So what do you think about when you read our core sentence? Do you want to share your thoughts and help us in growing our company culture? Click here to see our job openings and click here to contact us.
And yes, these are all our own travel pictures