Enabling Digital Acceleration

Quality From The Heart

For our specialists, efficiency is the main concern. Imagine us as the team responsible for a digital makeover, improving operations, optimizing workflows, and providing a seamless customer experience. With our quality expertise in the market and proficiency with low-code platforms like Pega and Mendix, we create optimal solutions that increase efficiency, automate processes, and impress clients. Anamata has experts in the field of business analysis, development, testing and operations, ensuring your digital makeover is as smooth as you would expect.

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Mendix & Pega

Consulting Services

Anamata provides expert services for the low-code platforms Mendix and Pega. Our services range from Governance to Quality Scans, all focused on delivering maximum quality output for our clients.

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Anamata believes that centers of excellence and competence centers should not only focus on development and architecture , but should focus on guidelines and approaches for the whole software development lifecycle, including requirements engineering and quality assurance. Anamata helps clients in setting up, running and improving centers of excellence and competence centers.


Anamata provides training and coaching for both clients and integrators on the aspects of development, quality assurance and requirements engineering on Pega and Mendix. Our certified trainers and experienced coaches make your that your team is getting the most out of the low-code platform.

Subscription Service

With Anamata’s unique subscription service, clients are able to hire Anamata’s full range of expertise on low-code delivery, and without having to commit to one person, full time. Anamata’s subscription service provides the possibility to hire Anamata’s expertise for a set hours a month. Anamata will provide the right experts at the moment the clients needs help, a review, coaching or another consulting service.

Quality Awareness

Anamata’s Quality Awareness scan focuses on the platform implementation, including the people, processes and tools. Via interviews, deep-dives and presentations, a report with findings, conclusions and an actionable roadmap will be created. The whole scan will be performed within a period of four weeks, depending on the team size. The outcome enables clients on their journey towards their desired business & IT objectives.


Mendix & Pega Specialists

At Anamata you can hire Low-Code specialists with expertise on Business Analysis, Testing and Development for Pega and Mendix. All our specialists are M-shaped, meaning that they are not only experts in their main-discipline, but are also knowledgeable enough to support other disciplines. It emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for low-code projects. The M-shape is a visual representation of having deep knowledge in multiple areas.

Read more about our M-Shaped approach in the articles below.

Business Analysis / Architecture

Our Mendix and Pega Business Analists and Business Architects are platform certified. By knowing how the platform works, the analists are able to host design sprints, deliver prototypes and translate the user requirements that are fit for the platform. The business analysts have experience in scrum and can act as a coach for – or take the rol of – a product owner.


Our Low-Code DevOps specialists have experience in ensuring the stability of the system in operation, while developing optimizations and new features. By monitoring the applications, the health of the system is contiuously checked. CI/CD deployment pipelines ensure a uniform, predictable and stable process of deploying new features, upgrades and patches.


With Low-Code, development can be done faster than traditional development. However, the key is to develop the application in a future-ready state. This means taking the ease of maintenance, testability, modularity and operability into account. Our Mendix Developers and Pega System Architects are current, meaning that they have knowledge of the newest platform version.


To keep up with the pace of development, testing (and test automation) of low-code platforms like Pega and Mendix should have an approach that is tailored to the platform. Our testers are trained in Pega and/or Mendix, knowing the capabilities of the platform. By knowing these capabilities and our experience in testing low-code applications, testing – including test automation – is done more efficient than traditional testing, and in better collaboration with the developers.

Testing Services

Anamata provides general Quality Assurance and Testing services, including Quality Scans, Test automation specialists and Testers. Our Experts guide your digital transformation in any complex landscape to a quality outcome.

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Low-Code Testing

Anamata’s low-code testing experts ensure that the testing processes fit the platform. By having knowledge of the platform, our testing experts know where the testing effort should be increased and reduced. By using the platform capabilities, testers can utilize standard API’s, Unit testing and efficiently implement a test automation strategy for low-code platforms like Pega and Mendix.

Test Management

Anamata provides test management services. With our experienced test managers, we are capable to help project setting up test strategies, perform risk analysis and define cross-team testing processes that fit the client’s needs.

Test Automation

Anamata’s test automation experts help automating regression tests and improving automation tools in testing. Anamata’s test automation experts are tool independent and use the automation tool that fits the client needs. Our expertise ranges from open source tooling like Selenium and PlayWright, to low-code tools like Tricentis Tosca.

Test Consulting

Anamata provides advice and guidance on all aspects of testing, including test strategy, test planning, test execution, and test automation.
We are very pleased with the specialists from Anamata. This accelerates our professionalization and makes us more scalable, innovative, and secure.
Mike Out, CEO HomeZero


We love to travel. With each journey we grow as humans and professionals, meet new people and broaden our horizons.
In one of our many travels, the Mãori taught us the importance of taking care of our community, to seize opportunities to grow spiritually, personally and professionally. Provide future prosperity.

Anamata is the Mãori word for “visions of the future”.

The name Anamata reflects our values and vision.

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Our Platforms

Delivering Pega and Mendix Quality


Pega is one of the leading low-code platforms, specialized in BPM and CRM. It enables building scalable, enterprise-wide solutions and unified processes from end to end by optimizing the customer journey.

Anamata helps clients to optimize Pega applications to deliver business value as quick as possible. To do so, we embrace the Pega Express™ delivery approach and use the latest Pega capabilities to achieve maximum output. Anamata has experts in the field of Pega business analysis, development, testing and operations, and are familiar with the newest Pega Capabilities like Pega GenAI™ Blueprint and Constellation.

As Anamata , we empower the customer to join us in creating the optimal customer journey and next best actions with the use of Pega. Anamata revolves around empowering people, putting them in the center of success, creating the highest business value for today and tomorrow.


Mendix is a fast, easy and leading low-code platform, which can be used to develop mobile and web apps from scratch. By visualizing logic and database models, it bridges the gap beween business and technology.

Anamateers know how to transform ideas into working software, together with the stakeholders. Anamateers are multidisciplinary, meaning that they are able to handle different aspect of the software delivery proces, like Requirement Analysis, Mendix Development and Mendix testing.

This ensures that a small team of Anamateers is able to handle the delivery, operation and maintenance of Mendix applications.

A Glimpse of

Our Projects

Customer Case: HomeZero

Customer Case: HomeZero

HomeZero was founded in 2022 by Mike Out, Rens Hagen, and Hunter Koppen. With their white-label sustainability platform, companies can assist their customers, citizens, or employees in taking a step towards sustainability. Since the summer of 2023, Anamata and HomeZero started a collaboration. Anamata provides Mendix specialists to assist in the further development of the platform.
An M-shaped Mendix specialist at Proximus

An M-shaped Mendix specialist at Proximus

A personal reflection on why the M-shaped approach is crucial for the success of low-code projects, such as the Proximus+ superapp. It explains importance of not only having in-depth knowledge in a single discipline but also being capable of thinking and operating broadly via a real-world example.
About Quality From The Heart

Anamata’s background lies in quality. With that in mind, we have created a view and approach on software delivery that ignites built-in quality and increases the added value of every Anamateer. This is why we believe in ‘Quality From the Heart’.

Sincere Quality

Most low-code organizations originated from the perspective of development: learn how to develop with the platform and the rest will come. Anamata finds its origin in the quality domain: from testing low-code applications to building high-quality applications.

Heart of the platform

Anamata’s low-code specialists know how the platform can contribute to the quality and speed of the delivery. Not only development should use the platform; test, business analysts, ops engineers: all must know the platform to increase speed and efficiency.

Heart of the user

The most important stakeholder of an application is the user. By continuously empathizing as an end-user in every role during the proces and actively involve stakeholders in the proces, our Anamateers make sure they are building the right thing.


Contact us

If you have any questions about our services, job opportunities or upcoming events, don’t hesitate to reach out.